(Cultural) Workers Gone Political

PDF available here.

Ana Vujanović (2014/15)

This article presents a brief discussion on contemporary artists citizens. It will examine the public life, and the political activity in particular (vita activa), of the critical cultural worker in neoliberal capitalist society. Here, a critical cultural worker—theoretician, artist, curator, journal editor, cultural producer, etc.—means the one who wants and tries to be political,[1] hence the cultural worker gone political. The purpose of the article is to unpack, through discussing dubious politicality of the critical cultural worker, a tension between the work and the politics in today’s society, and to propose a few thoughts on what the politics today could be and how it could look like once we recognize its classical definition as socially and historically inadequate.

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Public Sphere by Performance

Public Sphere by Performance, with Bojana Cvejic
Berlin: b_books (in cooperation with co-publisher: Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers), 2012, 2015 second edition

publ sphere front


  • Juliane Debeusscher, “Public Sphere by Performance”, Critique d’art [En ligne], 2012. Read here
  • Marko Đorđević, “Ana Vujanović, Bojana Cvejić, The Public Sphere by Performance, 2012. recenzija”, Art + Media, Journal of Art and Media Studies no. 6, 2014. Read here

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