TkH [Walking Theory] platform (2000-17)

TkH: Walking Theory / Teorija koja Hoda, a theoretical-artistic platform

It was founded a group for theoretical and artistic research at the end of 2000 in Belgrade. Since 2002 TkH platform operates as an independent organization: TkH-center for performing arts theory and practice.
The main objective of the TkH platform is to reinforce the critical and experimental practices / discourses in contemporary performing arts in the local context, as well as to affirm them in a wider, regional and international context.

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Destroying Performance Signifiers

Destroying Performance Signifiers; A contribution to a late post-structuralist materialist theory of performing arts (Razarajući označitelji/e performansa; prilog kasno poststrukturalističkoj materijalističkoj teoriji izvođačkih umetnosti)
Belgrade: SKC, 2004
(in Serbo-Croatian language)

razarajuci oznacitelji front

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awards / nagrade i priznanja:

  • National award for theatre studies „Sterija award“, 2005
  • Ten best philosophical books released in Serbia in 2004 by the authors from Serbia (the 1st one), NIN, January 2005

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