Performing Ideology // Madrid, 2013

full title: Ana Vujanović, "Performing Ideology: Immunitas and communitas in today’s neoliberal democratic society"

a lecture given at the international seminar No hay mas poesía que la acción (There is no other poetry than action) (the program of the seminar: in Spanish, in English)
Museo Reina Sofía / Artea
April 12-13, 2013, Madrid

Ana Vujanović’s lecture at: 01.52.00-02.22.30 min

Watch live streaming video from museoreinasofia at

Examining communitas (2011-2016)

theoretical-artistic research and performance by Ana Vujanović and Saša Asentić


The domain of the project Examining communitas (Communitas na ispitu) is the performing arts, dance in particular, by means of which we are trying to understand our recent social history and its actual state of affairs in terms of body images, behaviour in public, and relations between human beings as social subjects.

sinisa ilic, katarina popovic: on trial together - an illustration

sinisa ilic, katarina popovic: on trial together – an illustration

The project is context-based, as these images of the body are informed by two main social contexts of the twentieth century, both of which we have lived in – Eastern socialism and Western neoliberal capitalism. We start with our life-experienced limbo between them.

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