Landscapes of revolution (currently running)

Artistic research (2017-...) by Ana Vujanovic and Marta Popivoda

It is our new research project, where we investigate antifascist history of Yugoslavia and especially the role of women in that struggle, through landscape dramaturgy and essay film as our main artistic means.
The artworks on which we have worked so far or right now within this research are: Landscapes of Resistance (a documentary film), Freedom Landscapes (a performative-cinematic installation) and Bodyscapes #1: Woman in battle (video installation).

Resisting Landscapes_a film still

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(Cultural) Workers Gone Political

PDF available here.

Ana Vujanović (2014/15)

This article presents a brief discussion on contemporary artists citizens. It will examine the public life, and the political activity in particular (vita activa), of the critical cultural worker in neoliberal capitalist society. Here, a critical cultural worker—theoretician, artist, curator, journal editor, cultural producer, etc.—means the one who wants and tries to be political,[1] hence the cultural worker gone political. The purpose of the article is to unpack, through discussing dubious politicality of the critical cultural worker, a tension between the work and the politics in today’s society, and to propose a few thoughts on what the politics today could be and how it could look like once we recognize its classical definition as socially and historically inadequate.

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